How Leo can help you

Leo, as your Member of Parliament, has been elected to the House of Commons to represent the interests and concerns of all those who live in the constituency - whether or not they voted for him at the last election. Leo, due to strict parliamentary protocol, is only able to deal with issues raised by those who live within the Aldershot constituency. 

If you're not sure if Leo is your MP, you can check on his Homepage.

How can Leo assist you?

If you would like your issue to be dealt with privately, he may write to the organisation concerned, a relevant government department, or the responsible Minister to make enquiries. In his role as a Government Minister, he is unable to ask Oral or Written Questions within parliamentary proceedings.

Please note, that Leo has no jurisdiction over local council decisions. He may only be able to write on your behalf to the council and ask them to look into your problem or to reconsider an issue. In the first instance, however, please get in touch with your local councillors or the council itself. 

Where does Leo work?

Leo splits his time between working in the constituency in his office in Aldershot, and working in Parliament. Across Aldershot, Farnborough, Blackwater and Hawley, he holds surgeries for constituents, attends meetings and events, and visits local community organisations, schools and businesses. In Parliament, Leo represents the interests of constituents by voting on legislation and making formal representations to fellow Ministers.

Please get in touch with Leo's constituency office if you would like to:

  • raise an issue or ask a question;
  • request an appointment;
  • invite Leo to visit an organisation or attend an event;

You can contact Leo by email, telephone, letter or through the contact form on this website.